Tell Us Your Favorite Spring Birding Spots

We asked the experts; now we want to know where you like to go birding during spring migration

  • NWF Staff
  • Apr 05, 2010

According to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service study released last summer, some 48 million Americans spend time each year bird-watching. If you are one of them, chances are you’re familiar with David Sibley, Kenn Kaufman or Ned Brinkley. The three avian authorities are all authors of popular field guides to the birds of North America. They’re also among the six distinguished U.S. birders featured in our April/May article “Top Spring Birding Spots.”

On assignment for National Wildlife, writer Cynthia Berger asked the experts to name their favorite places in this country to visit during spring migration. An avid birder herself, Berger has written more than a dozen articles on the feathered kingdom for this magazine. Her own favorite spring spot is located only a few miles from her Pennsylvania home: Tussey Mountain, where this time of year, she says, “you can see more golden eagles than anywhere else in the Northeast.”

Where are your favorite places to go bird-watching during spring migration? Take our survey, and we’ll share what we learn once the results are in.


Learn more about bird migration and why many migratory species are in trouble.
Visit our birds and birding archives.

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