The Beaver Conflict Resolution Program addresses landowner concerns with beaver activity such as flooding or tree felling. Our program assists with site assessments, device design, permitting, installation, and cost-share funding. Programmatic goals include:
Learn more about this innovative program by watching this video.
If you have a conflict in your area, you can call our Beaver Hotline at 406-393-5557 to speak with someone on our team!
The Beaver Conflict Resolution Program aims to build greater tolerance for beavers on the landscape through innovative, non-lethal conflict mitigation strategies. We provide landowners with cost-effective solutions and technical expertise to address human-beaver conflicts, while promoting the ecological benefits of beaver presence on the landscape. Through partnerships with state agencies, conservation organizations, and local communities, we strive to balance human needs with beaver conservation, ensuring best management practices that benefit both wildlife and people across diverse ecosystems in the West.
Did You Know?
More than 80% of Montana’s wildlife species rely on beaver-created wetlands for survival!
In 2019, the National Wildlife Federation, in partnership with the Clark Fork Coalition and Defenders of Wildlife, launched a pilot project to address human-beaver conflicts using non-lethal mitigation methods. With 5 seasons of success, this program was officially adopted in 2024 with unanimous support from partners by NWF allowing us to bring on an additional full time staff member and two Fellow positions to cover a larger geographic scope across Montana. The Program has now expanded to include not only Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Region 2 but also Region 3 and 4. This increased capacity has brought on additional partners including Montana Freshwater Partners.
Our program offers on-the-ground assistance installing devices for landowners wanting to keep beavers in place by addressing concerns such as flooding or tree felling. There are many options available to you if you are looking for a solution to your beaver activity, including:
Watch a Pond Leveler Being Installed
Garrison Pond Leveler from Midwich on Vimeo.
Read more about the impact of our work.
A Case Study on Community Engagement and Education
August 16, 2024
More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. The National Wildlife Federation is on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 53 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive.